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Sulfuro de hidrógeno y sodio, anhidro, Thermo Scientific Chemicals

Catalog Number 11314989
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2 g
10 g
sodium hydrosulfide, sodium bisulfide, sodium sulfhydrate, sodium hydrogen sulfide, sodium sulfide na sh, sodium sulfanide, sodium mercaptan, sodium mercaptide, sodium hydrosulphide, nahs
sodium hydrosulfide, sodium bisulfide, sodium sulfhydrate, sodium hydrogen sulfide, sodium sulfide na sh, sodium sulfanide, sodium mercaptan, sodium mercaptide, sodium hydrosulphide, nahs

Para uso en producción de pasta de papel, en procesamiento de colorantes, en desulfuración de rayón y celofán

In paper pulping, in dyestuffs processing, in rayon and cellophane desulfurizing, in unhairing hides and as a bleaching reagent Sodium hydrogen sulfide is used in cloth, paper, pulp and dyestuff industries. It acts as a floating agent in copper mining as well as to remove hairs from hides in leather industries. It is also used as an intermediate in synthetic chemistry. It is utilized as a raw material in the production of ammonium sulphate and ethanethiol.

This Thermo Scientific Chemicals brand product was originally part of the Alfa Aesar product portfolio. Some documentation and label information may refer to the legacy brand. The original Alfa Aesar product / item code or SKU reference has not changed as a part of the brand transition to Thermo Scientific Chemicals.

Sensible a la humedad e higroscópico
Nombre del producto químico o material Sodium hydrogen sulfide
Punto de fusión 350°C
Color Blanco
Forma física cristalino/a/s
Cantidad 2 g
Información de solubilidad Soluble in water,ether and alcohol.
Nombre IUPAC sodio;sulfanida
Formula Weight (peso de la fórmula) 56.06
Olor Like rotten eggs
Sensibilidad Hygroscopic; Moisture sensitive
Densidad 1.79 g/cm3 at 20°C
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RUO – Research Use Only

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