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N-Tionilanilina, 97 %

Catalog Number 15465778
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25 g
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It is a versatile synthetic intermediate and an active pharmaceutical intermediate.

This Thermo Scientific Chemicals brand product was originally part of the Alfa Aesar product portfolio. Some documentation and label information may refer to the legacy brand. The original Alfa Aesar product / item code or SKU reference has not changed as a part of the brand transition to Thermo Scientific Chemicals.

Es un intermedio sintético versátil y un intermedio farmacéutico activo.

Parcialmente miscible en agua.

Almacenar a temperatura ambiente. Mantener alejado de agentes oxidantes y del calor.
Nombre del producto químico o material N-Thionylaniline
CAS 1122-83-4
Color Marrón
Densidad 1.236 g/mL
Punto de ebullición 200°C
Temperatura de inflamación 84°C (183°F)
Fórmula molecular C6H5NOS
Índice de refracción 1.6275
Número MDL MFCD00002084
Cantidad 25 g
Beilstein 507682
Sinónimo n-thionylaniline, n-sulfinylaniline, benzenamine, n-sulfinyl, thionylaniline, phenylthionylamine, phenylsulfinylamine, sulfinylphenylamine, aniline, n-sulfinyl, thionyl imide, phenyl, sulfurous imide, phenyl
Información de solubilidad Partly miscible in water.
Nombre IUPAC (sulfinilamino)benceno
Peso molecular (g/mol) 139.172
PubChem CID 70739
Formula Weight (peso de la fórmula) 139.18
Porcentaje de pureza 97%
Forma física Líquido
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RUO – Research Use Only

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